We have been on our own since we left Spokane on July 10th. That means fending for ourselves -- no more meals with friends and family, free electrical plug-ins and showers, or guided tours. We drove all the way across Montana (it's a BIG state) spending one night at a 24-hour Walmart in Bozeman.
The next day we visited Little Big Horn Battleground Monument (site of Custer's last stand), continued southeast, crossed a wee corner of Wyoming, and landed at Family Camp on Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota for two nights. Woke to the sound of reveille and the thunder of a B-1 bomber takeoff.
We left all sun and heat in Montana. It's been overcast, rainy, windy and cool (60's and 70's) for our four days in South Dakota; also, there is a lot of flooding in the eastern part of the state. Jane got to see Mt. Rushmore, a must on her "bucket list". And Custer State Park and the Badlands were awesome.
Last night we "cheated" and stayed in a Holiday Inn Express in Pierre (think hot tub soak, fast WiFi, and room to move about!). Campgrounds near the Missouri River were flooded as were many of the fields along the roads we traveled today.
Tonight we are again at an Air Force Family Camp near Grand Forks, North Dakota. Tomorrow morning we will cross the Canadian border and make our way to the Happy RV Campground in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Until then...
You look really fine on the road, though the blown tire is a beaut! Enjoy those Canadians, eh, and drink a cuppa tea for me when you find a scone to enjoy with it. Happy trails and safe roads. Brenda and Ray